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O​ne Day Certification Classes

In-Person Certification Class dates: 

Saturday,  September 15th, 2024

Time: 9:00 to 5:30 pm 

During this class, you will experience connecting with NINE different angelic energies.  Some you will already be familiar with, others not so much. The purpose of this class is to assist you in discerning the energy "signature" or vibrational frequency of each angel.  During your connection with each of these angels, you may be shown or told something that will impart support or insight for your life's spiritual path. 

IET Healing Angels of the Energy Field which work with IET Practitioners and Master Instructors  are as follows:

Archangels: Ariel, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel

Angels: Cassiel, Celestina, Faith, Sarah, Daniel

This class is open to all who feel drawn to it!

Although this class was originally designed for IET practitioners, NO IET experience is necessary or required to attend.

The class fee is only $195.00 - 

​​Registration & payment are required.  The DEADLINE to Register is 5 days before the date of this class.   The class minimum is 2 - with a maximum of 8

​CLICK "PAY NOW" to register today! 

Each attendee will receive a copy of our special illustrated Healing Angels of the Energy Field Class Workbook and a certification suitable for framing.

The Healing Angels of the Energy Field(R)