Interested in the chakras, but not sure where to start?

This class is for you!

Chakras are energy centers in the body and can help you create calm and balance in your life. Who doesn't want more of that? With all the talk of self-care, this class will help you learn to take care of an overlooked aspect of your body.

Join us for a brief overview of the seven body chakras, their functions, and their colors. Find out which of your chakras are balanced.

Date: Saturday, April 6th, 2024 

Time: 1 -3:30 pm

Cost: $40.00 

The class size is small, so reserve your seat now. 

​​​Join Linda on a deep dive into your Chakra system.  

Understanding how Chakras support and sustain your wellbeing can create a more balanced & fulfilling life!

During the 7-part series, you will learn:

  • what are chakras and how do they affect our physical and emotional health
  • how does each of these chakras control or influence our choices
  • how can you tell if your chakras are in optimal condition
  • how can you correct an imbalance of a chakra
  • about crystals and how to determine what crystals can support your chakras
  • about essential oils and how to  make essential oil blends that can support your chakra system

No experience is necessary to attend! 

Each part of this series will be a two-hour class held on Wednesday evenings  1--3 pm

Classes can be taken individually or as a series.

Each Individual class fee is $55


Take the 7-part series for $333.00  SAVE $52! 

Class sizes will be limited to no more than 8 attendees (a minimum of 3 attendees is required per class date)

Pre-registration and payment are required to attend this event.

Select the Full 7-part series or one or more parts of this series. 

You can pick and choose the workshops you want to attend! 

Deadline for the series or each portion of this series is 5 days prior to the workshop date. 

Chakra Classes

​at Gentle Dove

With Linda L Groman, CKRMT, IET M/T

Attendee's Name
Phone No.

Journey through the Chakras W/S

Journeying through your Chakras! 

with Linda L Groman, CKRMT & IET M/I

Class Dates: 

To be scheduled in early 2025

Root Chakra -  

Sacral Chakra  - 

Solar Plexus Chakra  -

Heart Chakra   -   

Throat Chakra  -    

3rd Eye Chakra -    

Crown Chakra -



Introduction to the Chakras